The Only Wise God

February 1, 2024

The Only Wise God

The hedges of the bush were trimmed flat and looked inviting, so I jumped onto them like my bed. My back sank into the stiff branches which then recoiled me to the ground. This was the price of leaving wisdom behind.

No doubt humans engage life apart from the boundaries of wisdom, but God never does. He is infinitely wise. Every decision, act, and attitude is perfectly wise as “God always chooses the best goals and the best means to those goals.”1 God’s wisdom shines especially in three areas: creation, salvation, and life.2


God’s wisdom is showcased in creation. The psalmist says (Psalm 104:24), “In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” The way the bird takes flight, the penguin dives, and the cheetah runs, these all display the wisdom of God’s design. Babies formed in the womb, the body’s self-healing process, and the location of the heart sing the same refrain. The eye, the ear, the tongue, and all our senses declare God’s wisdom. Creation—its design, ability to reproduce, and live—is an ongoing reminder of the matchless wisdom of God.


God’s wisdom is unveiled in salvation. Christ Jesus is for us the wisdom of God unto salvation (1 Cor. 1:24). Who would have thought a dying Savior is exactly what we needed to reunite with God? Who would have thought that the Son of God taking on the flesh on men to die a substitutionary death in their place and to rise from the dead was the wise way to go? Our salvation in Christ Jesus cries the depths of the wisdom of God (Rom. 11:33)! This divine wisdom in salvation is not entirely new to God’s people. Jonah was saved by the mouth and belly of a giant fish. The Israelites were delivered from the biggest man they’d probably ever seen by a boy with a sling. And Hebrew babies found escape by midwives. God is able to save and the instrument He uses is His wisdom and power.


God’s wisdom strikes in our messes. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).” Bad decisions can be rerouted for good. David’s affair with Bathsheba was not the end of him but was constructed to be a part of Christ’s lineage with the eventual birth of Solomon. Samson’s lust for women was used by God to deliver His people from the Philistines. Tricky situations can find remedy. Solomon called for the child to be cut in two thus revealing who the true mother of the child was. Rahab found refuge in the Israelite spies. Bad decisions and tricky situations remain under the same God and His perfect wisdom today.

Our Lord’s wisdom assails us to worship, trust, and seek Him in all things. We cannot see what is best; He can. We cannot see the best way through something; He does. Seek Him and trust Him. He is wise!

“to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.”
Romans 16:27

1Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996), 193.

2As given by Wayne Grudem. See ibid., 193–195.