
November 16, 2022


The work of Yahweh is a cause for celebration and worship! And this rings true in His work of sanctification. The better we understand His work of sanctification, the better will be our worship during its process. Sanctification demonstrates work that God has already been done (positional) as well as work that is continually being done (progressive).

Positional Sanctification

For those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, Yahweh has already sanctified them. This means that He has removed them from one position and placed them in another. As unbelievers, we were in a position of guilt and uncleanness before God, but through Christ we have been moved into a position of holiness. We no longer stand in a position of servitude to Satan having been taken captive to do his will, but now we have been moved into a position of service to God, being set apart to Him alone. Positional sanctification is summed up well in Hebrews 10:10 which says, “we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time.”

Positional sanctification is a work of God in Christ and through His Spirit that declares your holy position before Him. This is a cause for celebration and worship! You may confidently believe and affirm that in Christ Yahweh looks upon you as cleansed, purified, and set apart to Him.

Progressive Sanctification

Although we are seen as pure before Yahweh, we don’t always act like it. Struggles and sin still impact our lives. However, Yahweh continues the sanctification process where He now transforms us to be holy, in order to further reflect the position of holiness we already have been given. Think of a child who has been adopted into a new family. The adoption is legal and final, but now there is the work of learning to live in that household according to the parents’ desires. Progressive sanctification is the continual work of Yahweh setting us apart from evil thoughts and behavior to good thoughts and behavior according to His will.

Progressive sanctification is a cause for celebration and worship! You may be confident that Yahweh is graciously transforming you more and more that you may share in His holiness and enjoy Him.


When you encounter difficult situations, trust Yahweh for His sanctifying purposes. Trust, even though it hurts and you cannot see what He is doing. The house may be full of dust from construction and thus hard to see, but the Builder is doing a good work, and the dust will clear up.

Grudem, Systematic Theology, Ch. 38.