January 4, 2024
A Jealous God
Scripture declares God is a jealous God. When is the last time you saw this truth displayed in Christian art? This attribute likely produces confusion as it’s normally employed in a negative sense. However, when applied to God jealousy is a wonderful and important attribute. Notice the difference. Negatively, jealousy speaks of hostility toward a rival’s success.1 For example, Brian was jealous that his wife beat him at monopoly. When used in a negative sense, jealously becomes synonymous with envy.2 Positively, jealousy speaks of protection. Brian was jealous to protect his marriage with his wife.
To say that God is jealous is to speak of His desire to protect. But protect what exactly? Wayne Grudem states, “God continually seeks to protect His own honor.”3 In the Second Commandment God forbids the making, bowing down to, and serving of carved images. He says (Exodus 20:5), “for I the LORD your God am a jealous God…” Therefore, to God alone belongs divine reverence and ultimate service. Is God wrong for protecting this? Absolutely not! He must protect His glory, honor, and name. Giving His glory to someone or something else is not only wrong, but also harmful to His image bearers. How harmful has trading God’s glory for biological evolution been? It is a disgrace to God and eternally damning for people.
We would honor a husband’s jealousy for the protection of his wife and kids. How much more should we honor God who is jealous to protect His glory and the people who are called by His name! Our God is a fighter and a protector. His list of victories is encouraging for His people today. Sin—erased. Death—overcome. Satan—judged and stripped of his power. The old man—crucified and made new. The red sea—parted. Whatever He faces off against He wins. Standing with the LORD is His jealousy is a beautiful and victorious place to stand in Christ. Praise Yahweh that He is jealous and will not stop being so. Let us be passionate about protecting the honor of our Lord. And let us remember to pray Matthew 6:9, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”
“for I the LORD your God am a jealous God…”
Exodus 20:5
1“Jealous,” Merriam-Webster, accessed January 3, 2024. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jealous.
3Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996), 205.